
Fishlake History Society

Recording historical information before it disappears

Fishlake History Society

Recording historical information before it disappears

The photographs in the albums have been kindly shared by the residents of Fishlake...

Eve Atherfold

Alan Brownbridge

Stephen Cook

Dave Croucher

Rob Downing

Peter Dumville

Brenda Grafton

Dave King

Ken Omar

Peter Trimingham

John Waite



If you have any photographs related to Fishlake that you would be willing to share with us please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Likewise if you recognise anyone in the photographs please let us know. All of the photographs are collated into albums. Please navigate via the menu.

Eventually these albums will be further categorised for ease of searching but for the time being we are uploading as many as possible.

Click on the image to view more

Mr Schofield and his dog outside Hawthornes on Hay Green Corner

Royal Humane Society certificate in honour of Kenneth Omar, recording him rescuing two boys from the River Don In Fishlake

J. England Beef and Pork Butcher. Calendar 1927

Interior of Fishlake Church

Aerial view of St Cuthberts Church. Cottages next to church with Rowland Slingsbys pigeon loft

Coach Trip to Trentham Gardens 1952.

St Cuthberts working party

1950s Gathering

Ceremonial start to building Pinfold Gardens

WWII Volunteer Nurses and Air Raid Wardens

Smallhedges Farm 1950s note barge in background

Butter Cross Corner

Main Street and The Anchor

Western end of Main Street

The Corner of Mucky Lane (Dirty Lane) and Main Street

Approaching the village from the West

Fishlake People circa 1950

Names on earlier photograph

Custom House Coat of Arms

Farmyard Corn stacks

Farm on side of River Don where John Ridgill worked

Church Farm. demolished January 1973.

Church Lane with Church Farm barn to the left

Main Street looking to the east

Hay Green Fishlake

Verdun House and Verdun Cottage

Hay Green Corner in 1923 floods

Pinfold Lane in 1923 floods

Fishlake War Memorial

Main Street opposite Anchor Inn

Corner of Main Street and Church Street, with Pinfold Lane going off to the left

St Cuthberts Church

The Shop on Main Street with the Church in the background

Church Farm and a view of Church Lane

Church Farm and the Church from the north, an unusual view

Another painting of the classic Fishlake View

John England, Butcher his advertising Calendar for 1927

A William Downing Calendar advertising the village shop

William Downing Calendar

Boat under repair. The Shipyard at Stainforth

Certificate for 43 years of service to the Post Office 1884 to 1927, presented to Post Mistress Sarah Trimingham.

Harold Hodgson, Engineer 1972

Hodgsons Workshop early 1970s demolished Feb. 1974

Fishlake Vicarage 1910 with Rev E Flecker

Fishlake Hall About 1910

Arial View of Fishlake before 1977.

Rear of Hall Farm early 1970s

Church St Fishlake June 1977

Hodgsons work shop early 1970s

Fishlake Hall from the river bank early 1970s

Poplar Farm early 1970s

Fishlake Parish Rooms early 1970s

Fishlake Rivers Lea early 1970s

Barn at Rivers Lea early 1970s

Far Bank Cross Fishlake about1970

St Cuthberts Fishlake before 1923

Fishlake Nab about 1970 happy days

Rear of Church Cottage June 1977

The Elders Fishlake early 1970s Smiths residence

Fishlake Butter Cross and building behind early 1970s

Fishlake from river bank early 1970s compare S Buck of sketch 1720

Fishlake Far Bank Cross with vintage caravan early 1970s

Orchard Lea next to Yew Cottage, Trundle Lane, Fishlake

The well known Fishlake Haywain dated April 1905 the name of the farmer is disputed.

Jack and sister Olive Downing Augt 1923 outside Fishlake Hall

Ben and Francis Downing Ramsey House about 1928

Ben Downing garden Fishlake Hall about 1920 before he build Ramsey House in 1925

LThomas Downing R Ben Downing foundations of Ramsey House,1924.

Ramsey House about 1936 L Francis R Netta Downing

L Harry Langton son of village policeman R Ben Downing 11.01.1918

Jubilee Bridge Farm 1955 Photo by Ken Ford

Church Cottages 1973

Donside Stores Fishlake 1973

Donside Stores Fishlake 1973

May Downing daughter James Downing marriage to Ruben Oglesby 20 Sept 1915

Mary Trimingham, later Whaley, daughter of Frank and Sarah Trimingham about 1916

Zion Chapel Fishlake before 1911

William and Sarah Downing, back of shop silver wedding 1910

Cottages on the Nab before and after, 1908-2015

Fishlake School 1908 Downing brothers L to R Ben, Walter, Thomas, Jack in front..a happy group of pupils it must have been Miss Goulds teachings.

James Downing, Don View had 4 sons and 5 daughters see there wedding pictures.

Violet Downing daughter of James Downing marrying John Taylor 11 Aug. 1915. See Docs for details..

Walter Tom Downing, USA marries Annie Smith June 1913. See Docs for details.

Violet Downing marries John Taylor 11 Augt 1915. See Docs for details .

Frank Trimingham marries Rosa second wife

Early 1970s was Abbotts Farm on right on leaving Fosterhouse going North

William and Sarah Downing back of Fishlake shop

Rear of Fishlake shop.

Far Bank Cross Fishlake

Derelect House Thorne side of Jubilee Bridge early 1970s

Jeffrey House Augt 1973

Industrial Building at Far Bank early 1970s

Gerald Downing visiting Fishlake on his cycle 1931

Foundation of Inglenook bungalow Trundle Lane about 1923

Fishlake Hall Date stone early 1970s located in outbuilding before returning to it present position.

Fishlake WW1 Ben Downing 1917 ready for off but came home wounded and shell shocked

St Cuthberts Choir with Rev H Henderson 1911

Walter England Downing WW1 ready for off 1917 but one of the 11 from Fishlake who never returned home.

Thomas Edward Downing WW1 ready to go 1916

Fishlake from the air June 1977, thanks JRMagilton The Doncaster District. An Archaeological Survey.

Alice Downing daughter James Downing marries Stanley Roberts of Rivers Lea 06 Nov 1912

West End Farm 1983

Fishlake Endowed School early 1970s

Fishlake school classrooms early 1970s

Fishlake Endowed School rear early 1970s

Sir Edward Simpson who spent his childhood at Fishlake Hall

Fishlake Hall 1968

Ben and Francis Downing Ramsey Ho, Fishlake about 1928

Jabez Amery Thompson, 1847-1912, brother in Law, William Downing Shop, Fishlake before1912

Downings Yard, Fishlake after house demolished Augt 1973

Far Bank Cross, Fishlake with Cyclist

Church Cottages, Fishlake early 1970s

Village Shop, Fishlake early 1970s

Methodist Chapel early 1970s

Nab Mill, Fishlake 1970

Stoney Lane, Fishlake early 1970s

Main St, Fishlake before 1970, cyclist is Francis Maltby info from daughter Delise Thorp, thank you.

East Field Mill, Fishlake Thanks P Dumville

Sarah Trimingham alias Auntie Postie, 1846-1939

Auntie Postie Sarah Trimingham, 1846-1939

Rev Canon George Ornsby

Rev Joseph and Mrs Leeson

Fishlake War memorial June 1919

Main Street Fishlake with Shop and water butt

Church Street Fishlake from Church yard with Frank Downing seated

Church Farm (demolished Jan 1973) incl Vicarage Fishlake

Church Street Fishlake after rain

Flood on Nab Fishlake 1947

Flooding on Nab Fishlake 1947

Hare and Hounds Fishlake with figures

Church Farm from Parish Rooms Fishlake

The Landing Fishlake looking West

Willliam Downing with grand children on the Brick Pond

L David Duckitt R Postman Percy Smith Flood May 1932

Outside Vine Cottage Hay Green flood 1932, Frank Downing,Sidney Silvester, Percy Schofield, Sidney Gibson

L Postman Percy Smith R David Duckitt Flood of May 1932

L David Duckitt R Percy Smith Postman in Floods of May 1932

L David Duckitt R Percy Smith Postman in Flood of 1932

Close up of Church Farm Fishlake

St Cuthberts, Fishlake Taken by Sgt Tom Robinson Lydster, Aust Imperial Air Force 1916-1919

Fishlake Vicarage about 1910

Milk Bench, Fosterhouses taken 1976 SE649152

Main Street Fishlake with figures

Church Street Fishlake with figures and car possibly a Jowett Kestrel after 1933

Cottages at Hay Green, Fishlake

Houses at Hay Green, Fishlake

Zion Chapel, Fishlake, close up

Formerly the Ship Inn on Nab see remains of iron pub sign, 1973

Water maker on Landing 27 Miles to Tinsley Lock

Flooding on the Nab 1947 from Stainforth Bridge

View of West Bank from Taining Lane.

Pinfold Lane, Fishlake

Birds Eye View of Fishlake approx 1909.

Pinfold Lane and Church Farm

Fishlake Hall from the Landing

A cart on Pinfold Lane and Church Farm

Fishlake 1720 by Samuel Buck

Interior Fishlake Church, Scriven

Hay Green T junction, Fishlake

George, Mary Duckitt Church Farm before 1908 See Docs for details

Church St Fishlake, post office and figures incl Sarah Trimingham, post woman

John Ridgill seated

Side of River Don Farm where John Ridgill worked

Thornghurst front view

Hay Green, Fishlake 1923 Flood

Church Street, Fishlake Cottage in decay

Cross and junction at Main Street and Pinfold Lane, Fishlake

Main Street, Fishlake looking East nr The old Anchor

Main Street and Church Street, Fishlake

Violet Downing wedding small group

Old Anchor with Little girl, Fishlake

Fishlake Parish Rooms, side view

Pinfold Lane, Fishlake and Zion Chapel

Greetings from Fishlake Post Card

Flooding at Hay Green March 2 1923

Main Street, Fishlake flooding 1923 see makeshift bridge over road

Manor Farm, Fishlake Outbuildings with date 1873

Brick Pond, back of the Hall Farm, at Fishlake

Clough House Farm early 1970

Pinfold and Pinfold Lane

Pinfold Lane, Fishlake with figures 1908. Spot the mistaken identity of the school!

Cottages on The Nab near Stainforth Bridge, thanks to Stainforth Old Photos.

Engraving Fishlake Church 1882 Tomlinsons History Hatfield Chace

The Hawthorns, Haygreen 1973

Left Verdun House, Right Vine Cottage 1973

Taining Drain Fishlake Nab 1970

Zion Cottage Fishlake 1973

Three Downing brothers left Fishlake in WW1 but one did not return.

Main Street Fishlake Looking West

Old Anchor interior Fishlake 1987

Butter Cross Fishlake before 1960

Flooding rear of Haygreen Terrace, Fishlake

Old Oil Mill Waterside, Thorne from Fishlake

Fishlake Old School, derelict

Nab in Flood Stainforth End Augt 1922 thanks to Stainforth Old Photos

Fishlake Nab from the Air 1925 Thanks to Britain from Above

Main St, Fishlake, shop and figures. Published Leeds Mercury 05 March 1907.

Flooding at Haygreen March 1923

Stainforth Bridge and Nab Cottages

Rev Kenneth Arthur vicar 1959 to 1962

Butter Cross with crowd man with basket James Thompson 1847-1912 shop assistant and brother in Law to William Downing

Man on stilts at Twitchel but who is he?

Verdun House and Cottage Haygreen

Fishlake School Mrs Kidson and class of 1930s?

Church Street with dog and car

Harold Hodgsons Works from the air circa 1950

Thorninghirst front elevation

Buttercross LtoR Joiners shop, Slaughter Ho. and bwelling

Flooding at Jeffrey Ho. Corner, likely 1923

Pinfold Lane with horse rider in 1923 flood

Don Cottage, lady and dog, Fishlake 1900

Sir Arthur Ingram Lord of Manor of Fishlake

North Mill 22 Augt 1934, David Muggeridge Collection

Nab Mill, 22 Augt 1934, David Muggeridge Collection

Fishlake Churchyard rear gate 1975

Orchard Lea Dovecote, Fishlake 1975

Hall Farm, Fishlake with figure and motor bike.

Church Cottage in a poor state, 1975

Fosterhouses, Fishlake 1974

Fishlake village looking East from Nab Mill 1974

Windy ridge, Trundle Lane, Fishlake 1974

Sir Cornelius Vermuyden 1595-1677 Dutch engineer

Zion Cottage, Thomas and Emma Duckitt date on picture 1907

Zion Cottage also called White House 1907 thanks Carole Smith

Blacksmiths Shop next to Pinfold, left Mr Sayles with Roland England

Hamilton Henderson with Churchwardens seated

Hamilton Henderson with Churchwardens standing

Nab in flood from Stainforth end 1947?

Fishlake Church with view of Church Farm

Early picture of Font St Cuthberts, Fishlake

View of Fishlake landing from river bank

Fleury Cross incribed on memorial stone near Chancel wall west of Marshall Tomb. Thanks Peter Pridham

Rear early picture of a Cob boat on the river could it be the Fishlake Ferry

Rev David Methven Curate in Charge 1887-1889 Henry Brooks on right.

Clough House, Wood Lane, Fishlake Front to back, Amelia Hodgson holding baby Harold, possibly her sister, Roland England

Rose Cottage (now gone) and Farm, Haygreen nearly opposite The Villas.

Rose Cottage with two figures at Haygreen, now gone, was nearly opposite The Villas.

Auntie Postie, a poor picture card stamped 1908

Sunny Side,was next to The Horthornes, (now Pinfold House) Haygreen

Sunny Side with figure, was next to The Hawthrones, Haygreen

Vine Cottage and Verden House, Haygreen

St Cuthberts working Party 2

St Cuthberts working party 3

St Cuthberts working party 4. Right Ameila Hodgson with child Joyce. 4th from right Louise Downing.

YAS Local History Section visit to Fishlake Augt 1979

Venerable Hopkins Badnall vicar of Fishlake 1886-1888 Thanks to Philip Wilson

Fishlake Flood scene 11 January 1928

Fishlake Church 1907 From Leeds Mercury, Thanks to The British Library

Fishlake School 1907 note the Bell and Turret from Leeds Mercury, Thanks to The British Library

Rev Eliezer Flecker from Leeds Mercury March 4 1907 Thanks to The British Library

Miss Winifred Gould from Leeds Mercury March 04 1907. Thanks to The British Library.

Miss Gould and Rev E Flecker from Mercury March 04 1907. Thanks to The British Library.

Richard Rands or Randes Founder of Fishlake Endowed School. Thanks to Trinity College Oxford.

Fishlake School, Henry Brooks from the original thanks Pete Tidball.

Fishlake Church from Lord Ings Lane

Haywain classic see old clock replaced in Spring 1901

Fishlake Buttercross with buildings

Fishlake Church in March 1907

John Piper Painting Fishlake Church doorway 1941

Young Rev Badnall Vicar Fishlake 1886-89

Fishlake from North side of River Don

Les Bullass old place Jan 1977. Just over the Claydike in Sykehouse

Flooding (1947?) at Stainforth Bridge Cottages demolished 1999

Phebe Ann Downing born 1856) outside Don Cottage

The Landing, Fishlake looking West

Flooding Jeffery House Corner, Fishlake

Bramwith Woodhouse, Manor House, Robinson Family. Thanks Barbara Laycock

Nab House, Bramwith Woodhouse Junction, Arthur Dean. Thanks Delise Thorp. Bill Steers also lived here.

Nab House, Fishlake with Mr and Mrs Dean. Thanks to Delise Thorp

Ms Sheila Dean outside Nab House. Thanks to Delise Thorp

Fishlake Endowed School 1900s

West Bank Cross Sepia tint.

Tom. Francis, Ben Downing Ramsey House c1929

Thanks WYAS West Yorkshire Archaeological Survey Fishlake School fieldwork May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Old Malt Barns at Fishlake Hall Farm

Badsworth Hunt at Jubilee Bridge card posted January 1912. Thanks to Frank Ridgway.

Buttercross, Fishlake with buildings

R.Don looking towards Stainforth

Flooding in Augt 1922 from Stainforth to the Nab.

Fosterhouses, Milk Bench, Spring 1976

Gothic House, Fosterhouses, Feb 77. Demolished by June 77.7.

Barn on Wenchhirst Lane N. SE653149. Spring 76

Blackshaw Clough SE672158. Sprig 76

Bridge over Clay Dike SE654158. Spring 76

Howle at Wood Lane SE663145. Spring 76

Low Ings Lane N. SE668150. Spring 76

Barns at New House Farm SE642145. Spring 76

New House Farm N.SE 643145. Spring 76

Pennyshaw Lane N. SE639148. Spring 76

Snelsholme Lane E. SE661149. Spring 76

Westfield House N. SE629145. Spring 76

Westfield House with barns SE629145. Spring 76

Wood Lane (Wykehouse Lane) E. Spring 76

Howle at Eastside of Low Ings Lane. Spring 76

Peg Lane W. from Threshold Lane. Spring 76

Snelsholme Green E. SE661149. Spring 76

Wenchirst Lane W. SE653149. Poplars Farm in distance? Spring 76

Earthworks and Barns opposite Willow Cottages. Summer 78

More earthworks opposite Willow Cottages. Summer 78

Rear of Main Street, Fishlake. Feb 77

Rear of Main Street, Fishlake. Feb 77

Rear of Old Anchor, Fishlake. Feb 77

Landing and Fishlake Hall from Bank. Feb 77

Ridge and Furrow at bottom of Eat Field. Feb 77

West Bank looking West. Nov 77

Zion Cottage, roof detail. Nov 77

Zion Cottage at a distance. Nov 77

Zion Cottage front angle. Nov 77

Zion Cottage empty. Nov 77

Smallhedges Farm N. Spring 76

Zion Chapel for Sale Nov 77

Zion Chapel with petrol pumps. Nov 77

Arial View of Fishlake Village Feb 1958

Hellwicket (the gates of Hell) Bridge an ancient boundary place at SE 619153 West end of Clay Dike dating before 1539

Martin Greenslade 1987 former landlord of The Old Anchor now closed.

Fishlake Church an illustration by Roland Hibbard of Sheffield,1830. Thanks Pete Dunville

Nab Mill October 1990

Hawthorne House Nab Road in a flood.Thanks to Delise Thorp. Mother always put piano on bricks.

1639 image (not accurate) of Fishlake Church based on a survey by Josias Arlebone. Thanks W.Y.Archive service.

Hon. Mrs Emily Meynell-Ingram (1840-1904) Lady of the Manor of Fishlake. Thanks to Leeds Museum and Galleries.

Earle of Crewe (1858-1945) in 1907. A major landowner in Fishlake eg Church Farm etc. Thanks to Wikitree.

James Martin Clarke 1868-1937 son of Joseph also Primitive Methodist Minister. Thanks Joanne Clarke

Fishlake Post Office L.Auntie Postie. R. Sarah Jane Trimingham, neice 1873-1926. Thanks Joanne Clarke

A crisper photo of Auntie Postie Sarah Trimingham 1846-1939

Fishlake Hall Autumn 1929. Taken by Mary Trimingham aged 24.

Frank Trimingham 1911 Fishlake Choir Master and Organist.

Fishlake Hall in 1925

Joseph Clarke 1835-1903 Primitive Methodist Minister. Thanks Joanne Clarke.

Mrs England Dance Group about 1915.

Rivers Lea and Roberts Family about 1915.

1947 Flood on Nab. RtoL Audrey Whaley, Jean Hutt, Twink Howard. Taking bread in a rowing boat from Stainforth.

1927 Fishlake Church Parade

Fishlake Church with man and his dog.

South View, Fishlake with Mr Wright. Thanks Yvon Wright.

The Lilacs, Haygreen, abt 1910. See Police House sign next to 1752 date stone.

Old View Fishlake Church c1900 Thanks Doncaster Archives

Bingo Cottage, Sorrell Lane. June 1977.

House dated 1702 at Fosterhouses. May 1977.

Bay Villa Farm, Fosterhouses. Side view, May 1975.

Thorninghirst, derelict. June 1977.

Garth Farm near Burial Place Lane. Summer 1976.

Fishlake Hall Farm 8 September 1979.

Lord Ings Drain, Town Ings May 1975

North into Town Ings May 1975

Doris Schofield about 1930.

Elsie Schofield with child.

Elsie Schofield eldest sister of Dorothy at The Hawthorns.

FCC Club, Fishlake 1st X1. 1988

Jim Cooke left Taff Davis right Fishlake Cricket Club

Peter Trimingham left, Mr Tyrell, Doncaster District Cricket league President, Denis Wilcox

Richard Hutchinson fast bowler, Campsmount 1990

2nd Div Champ Final Tickhill 1972 Davie Thornton scored 132.

2nd Div Champ Final Tickhill 1972. L to R John Waite, Pete Trim (Captain), Taff Davies.

Fishlake cricketer

Fishlake cricketers

Bill Simcock on Old Cricket Club Roller.

Park Farm, Chrissy L

Gothic House in its hayday. Thanks Jenny Rooke

Rev Frank Bickerton Vicar 1980-1987

Rev John M Osgerby Vicar 1987-2003.

Audrey Seaton nee Whaley and Ronald Seaton, 1950. Moved to River View, Main St about 1955.

Mary Frances Whaley nee Trimingham and Frederick Whaley at a family wedding.

View towards Fishlake Church taken between 1973-1977

Rear of River View, Main Street. Spring 1980.

Ettey Duckitt 1911

Mr Bellwood, Sykehouse winner at Darts at Old Anchor 1952.

Thomas Downing in Mesopotamia, WW1

Elsie Downing and Doug Southwell wedding. Ran the Hall Farm for many years.

Elsie Downing with father Thomas.

Village school early 1930’s Miss Ada Kidson

Fishlake Workhouse, Wood Lane. Taken 1973.

Fishlake Workhouse, Close up, Wood Lane. Taken 1974.

Fishlake Workhouse from Sour Lane. Taken 1974.

House on Far Bank

Gertude Maude Riley/Kitching nee Hodgson 1882-1954 of Clough House

No1 West Bank, Far Bank Lane. Thanks to Sue Marshall.

Don View Cottages. Mary Downing on left 1855-1919. next to daughter Violet. Pre 1915.

View from Nab to former cricket store, site of Don View Cottages 1973.

Hare and House, Fishlake

Fishlake folk.

WI Red Hat Day in Fishlake July 2008

Out Buildings attached to Bay Villa Farm. May June 75.

Ivy Cottages

Early photo of Ivy Cottages.

Ivy Cottages with Alf Omar in front.

L.R Pauline Waite, Linda Waite and Ethel Hepton

LtoR Clarice Rubens, Gran Mrs Hepton, Mrs Slingsby, Pearl Duckitt and sons , Allan, Joe at Cleethorpes.

401 Fishlake Landing Petrol Pumps with Clarice Omar and Peal Slingsby.

Mrs Omar with baby Clarice, Aunties Doreen and Mary Hepton.

Dick Hepton

Downing Yard

Thorninghirst from the air.

Clarice Omar in Downings Yard

Main Street from Church Street with cross

Charlotte Teale, Park Farm, Pinfold Lane, Fishlake, Thanke Janice Bullass

Old Silo barn behind the vicarage Sept 1971 now demolished

Church Cottages in colour early 1970s.

House next to Stainforth Bridge 2000 thanks to Linda Prescott her father took this picture.

House on Nab next to Stainforth Bridge 2000 thanks to Linda Prescott

River Don side farm were John RidgiIl worked

The Hawthorns 1970’s. Tranquility.

Just after Church Farm was demolished in 1973.

Old Police House Haygreen in 1973 foreground outbuildings now gone.

Old barns across a field in 1973 location unknown

George William Jubb (possibly) and Bathynia Jubb (nee Threadgould)

The Royal Oak Inn Kirkhouse Green - thanks Robert Jubb

John Jubb in his Arrol Johnson car, Upper Batley thanks Robert Jubb

1840 Tithe Map Kirkhouse Green

Map 1718 of farm on site of The Royal Oak, Kirkhouse Green - thanks Robert Jubb

Pear Tree Farm Kirkhouse Green Sale Particulars 1862 - thanks Robert Jubb

Haygreen, Fishlake

Fishlake Dance Group outside school.

Fishlake Youth Club 1962/63

From back left Jim Len Kath Maureen (Unwin) Margaret and Dot Hickson Sylvia Redhall Trevor Hickson

Fishlake Main Street, Mrs Maltby on her cycle.

Fishlake village aerial view in 1958 a sharper version.

Mary Schofield 6 July 1977.

Mary Maude Schofield 30 Augt 1977

Henry Griffin 26 Augt 1976.

Mr and Mrs Wilcock 1976

429 Sid Gilson 11 Feb 1976

The Downing Family get together.

Frank Downing with siblings about 1956

Laburnum House with the Knott family. Thanks to Ellie Knott.

Maggie Buck nee Lee wife of Arthur Buck. Thanks to Jenny Rooke.

Butter Cross with Downing’s Cottages behind.

Fishlake High Street about 1907 colourised.

River Don new cut at Jubilee Bridge, Sour Lane 1937

Grove Farm Pinfold Lane. Thanks Kath Watson and Ann Lifsey

From a school project 1991. Thanks to Andrew Williamson

From school project 1991. Thanks to Andrew Williamson.

439 Flooding on Nab near Stainforth. Thanks Angela Frost.

Interior Fishlake Church

Greetings card views of Fishlake

Left to right Lucy Silvester nee Downing, Hubert (Tiny) Silvester. Thanks Jane formally Illman.

Interior St Cuthberts’s Church, Fishlake

L to R Hubert (Tiny) Silvester, nee Downing. Thanks to Janet Illman

445. Haygreen from the air. Summer 1990.

A group of village characters from a few years ago.

Fishlake village from Church tower. Thanks to Ian Sharpe

Jeffrey House Barns. Thanks to Ian Sharpe.

Jeffrey House with horses. Thanks to Ian Sharpe.

450 Left Melvin Right Phillip Waite 1960. Photo and colourisation by Jodie Gabrielle Waite.

Fishlake Cricketers 1986

Fishlake Bowling Green - the Team

Fishlake Bowls Club - The Hut

Fishlake Bowling Green construction

Fishlake Bowling Green Construction early days

Fishlake Bowling Green prior to construction

Fishlake Cricket Club - 1992- 3 tea break

Fishlake Cricket Club - Construction team

Fishlake Cricket Club- under construction

Fishlake Cricket Club 1992-1993 the roofers

Fishlake Bowling Green - keeping to level

462 Myrtle Cottage, Wood Lane

Ernest Hodson, Labernum House, Dirty Lane. Thanks Wendy Mead.

Shuttle Cottage, behind new bungalow, Sour Lane 1970’s ? Thanks to Ann Fogg

Royal Oak, Kirkhouse Green. The Badsworth Hunt late 1940’s. Thanks to John Waite.

Royal Oak, Kirkhouse Green. The Badsworth Hunt late 1940’s. Thanks to John Waite.

1948 John’s parents Annie and Sidney Waite, John on crossbar. Man with dog employed by the Hunt, “Terrier Man”. Thanks to John Waite.

Far Bank Farm, furthest West on Far Bank c 1910. Harriette Waite, Violet Waite with baby. Front LR Douglas Waite, Gladys Waite. Thanks to John Waite.

Right of Bride Dorothy, Sidney and Violet Waite. Thank to John Waite.

Fishlake School Class 1927. 2nd left back row Oliver Kershaw. Thanks to John Waite

Confirmation Vicarage Garden. Bishop of Sheffield with Rev Coghlin (1929-1959). LR front row Ethel Waite, lady who became Mrs Giilson, Maude Schofield. Thanks to John Waite.

Bell Ringers Party at Village Hall 1940’s. Thanks John Waite.

Silver Jubilee Celebration 1977. Thanks to John Waite.

Vicarage Garden Party. Thanks to John Waite.

Vicarage Garden Parties. Thanks to John Waite.

Rev William Noble Coghlin vicar of Fishlake 1929-1959.

School Playing Field 1970’s. Thanks to John Waite.

Thorninghirst from the air 1949. Thanks to John Waite

479 Thorninghirst 1949. Thanks to John Waite

Mothers’ Union Banner handing in St Cuthbert’s Church. Thanks to John Waite.

HRH The Princess Royal visit to Fishlake 12 September 2007.

HRH The Princess Royal visit to Fishlake 12 September 2007.

HRH The Princess Royal visit to Fishlake 12 September 2007.

HRH The Princess Royal visit to Fishlake 12 September 2007.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

4 June 2012 Diamond Jubilee. Thanks to John Waite.

1977 Silver Jubilee Queen Andrea Hutchison who donated these pictures.

1977 Silver Jubilee Queen Andrea Hutchison who donated these pictures.

1977 Silver Jubilee Queen Andrea Hutchison who donated these pictures.

1977 Silver Jubilee Queen Andrea Hutchison who donated these pictures.

503 1977 Silver Jubilee Queen Andrea Hutchison who donated these pictures.

504 John Langton retired Fishlake Bobby. Thanks to Lorraine Haig

Donald Langton, son of John. Thanks to Lorraine Haig

Norah Langton daughter of John. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

John Langton and wife Annie Maria Parrott. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

John Langton Fishlake Bobby 1876-1955. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

The Laurels, Fishlake home of John Langton. And family Fishlake Policeman in 1911. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

1923 flood in Fishlake. Thanks to Lorraine Haig

Jubilee Bridge, Thorne side. 29 Dec 1887. Thank to Thorne Gazette

PC George Sharpe and his wife Fishlake Bobby 1950-1977. Thanks to Ian Sharpe his son.

August 1925 Ida Ullathorne, Haygreen, centre, at the beach. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

Edna Ullathorne, Haygreen. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

Albert Ullathorne, master plasterer, Haygreen. Here WW1 Royal Garrison Artillery. Thanks to L Haig.

R to L Horace, Edna, Ada Ullathorne at Haygreen. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

Ida Ullathorne, Haygreen. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

Ada Ullathorne, nee Pearson at Haygreen. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

St Cuthbert’s with Church Cottages still standing so maybe 1970. Thanks to Lorraine Haig

Insp John Ken Langton, son of PC John Langton. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

Fishlake Ladies Cricket Club 1920’s. Thanks to Lorraine Haig.

Donald Langton son of John Langton. Thanks Lorraine Haig.

Mabel England wife of Roland. Thanks to Rosalind E Reid.

524 Margaret Richards nee England. Thanks to Rosalind E Reid

Helen Cook with William Foster 1960’s.. Thank to Stephen Cook.

Stephen Cook and Elizabeth Foster 1960’s. Thanks Stephen Cook.

Stephen Cook, Elizabeth ‘Minnie’ Foster , Stephen’s dog Betsy, 1960’s Thanks Stephen Cook.

George Foster a chemist living at Homestead, Jeremy, Elizabeth and Stephen Cook, 1960’s. Thanks Stephen Cook

Reginald Cook looking at baby William Foster 1960’s. Thanks Stephen Cook

LtoR Pam Liddell, Lorna Kitchen, Lynn Robert’s, Rita Kershaw, 1961. Thanks Stephen Cook

Reginald Cook Headmaster Fishlake School, in Schoolhouse garden, 1960’s. Thanks Stephen Cook

A view of Fishlake looking North East 1970—1720.

Walter Roe, driving 1913 Vulcan Charabanc, Based at Haygreen, taken 1920’s. Thanks to John Roe.

Nab Mill, Fishlake 1980’s. Thank to Val Beyoglu.

A Well near Vicarage Lane. Thanks to Ian Sharpe.

Fishlake School in ruins. Thanks Ian Sharpe.

Fishlake school a view. Thanks Ian Sharpe.

Nab Mill Fishlake. Thanks Ian Sharpe.

Fishlake School derelict. Thanks Ian Sharpe.

545 Fishlake School from the rare. Thanks Ian Sharpe.

Donside Stores and petrol pumps 1964. Thanks to Delise Thorp.

Connie and Len Buck 1939. Thanks to Jenny Rooke.

Wall art seen at Westfield House taken 1985 by Robert Jubb

553 Westfield House. Taken in 1985 by Robert Jubb.

Fishlake Landing with The Hall.

Church Bells at Fishlake